Build Instagram with Grails in 60 Minutes!


29 October 2016
11:00 - 14:00
Qafqaz University

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Introduction to Grails

-Architecture of Grails
-Groovy Programming Language
-The Web Layer

JAVA Reflection API

-Design Patterns wich neads Reflection.
-Design patterns: ORM, Dependency injection, MVC.
-Frameworks wich use Reflection.
-Spring MVC/Bean, Hibernate, Gson, JaxB.
-How to use Reflection.
-Which Design Patterns realization convenient to use it.
-How frameworks uses it.

RESTful Web Services in Grails 3

-Domain classes as REST resources
-Mapping to REST resources
-Versioning REST resources
-Customizing Response Rendering
-Including or Excluding Properties from Rendering
-JSON Views

Build Instagram with Grails in 60 Minutes

-Authentication and Authorization
-User Registration
-Post,delete photos
-News Feed
-Search,Follow users
-User Profile


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